We create defiant, diverse contemporary theatre that sparks bold conversations and inspires connection.
Share the spotlight and pass the mic. Welcome ideas, opinions, and backgrounds.
We work together to make big things happen and put our goals ahead of our egos.
We are purposefully unconventional, looking beyond established labels and boundaries. We value forward-thinking, ingenuity, and originality.
“Know thyself.” Understand your own privilege and allow others to grow your self-awareness. Be mindful of your actions and infuse them with ways to promote diversity.
Transparency and honesty are paramount to great collaboration. Being open-minded means being inclusive, but also open to new ideas that may evolve into genuine innovation.
Quality—inside and out. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and constantly seek ways to improve and grow.
“You cannot pour from an empty cup.” Our bodies and minds are the engines of creativity, artistry, and craft, and an engine cannot go far running on fumes.